Rachel Neumann

Founder and CEO

Rachel Neumann is one of the world’s leading publishing veterans. With more than thirty years experience in all aspects of the industry, she has a track record of developing, representing, and editing over a dozen international and  New York Times bestsellers. A former Publisher and Editorial Director, Rachel understands book publishing inside and out. She possesses a singular sense of how to evolve good ideas into great stories. Prior to founding Wave Literary, Rachel served as lead agent and CEO of the literary agency Idea Architects.

For over a decade, Rachel was the personal editor of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She has had the honor to work with some of the leading culture-shifters of our time, including wisdom teachers Pema Chödrön and Joanna Macy, Lawyer and civil right advocate James Bell, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, journalist Alan Weisman, relationship experts John and Julie Gottman, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Craig Foster, scientists Suzanne Simard, Rachel Yehuda, and Charan Ranganath, and many others. Rachel has an MFA in fiction from New School University. She has written for national and international publications and is the author of four award-winning books.